Monday 16 September 2013

Should You Buy The New iPhone?

Okay guys, so this post will either make you think about other alternatives or won’t sway your decision at all if you are too fixated on getting one of the new iPhones. There is always a choice when going to buy something and right now, when you go to buy a phone, you have countless options to choose from. So, for all the alternatives present, should you still go for the iPhone? Lets take a look.

The new iPhone is a great device although some would argue it is more of the same, meaning they are giving you the same thing with a tiny bit more. If you have read my previous posts about choosing between smartphones, you would have known that everything comes down to preference. Some people would never switch from Android and some would never give up their iOS device or even think about not getting the new one as soon as it hits the stores.

When you look at the iPhone, you see a device with one of the best operating systems out there. Now, Apple has added some great new hardware too but is it on par with the other alternatives present on the market? I know, this is the first time a company has launched a phone with a 64 bit processor and some of the new features would be great to have but would these updates really push you to dish out over 100,000 rupees for a phone with specifications that other phones which much cheaper prices have?

The iPhone 5S is still powered by a dual core processor and while the performance will be great, you would know that the competition is ahead. I would have loved to buy the iPhone if it was priced properly and not like the way it is. The iPhone 5C has been listed at homeshopping.pk and the starting price is Rs. 89,999. It will be available after the 25th of this month and I don’t think it will have much trouble selling amongst Apple fans.

The thing is, in that price range, you could get a top notch Android device and still save money. Granted that some of the Android phones cost that much at launch here in Pakistan with the price usually trickling down over time but I don’t see that happening with the iPhone 5S anytime soon. The starting price of the phone can be expected to be over Rs. 100,000 when it arrives here and for that much, you could either get a HTC One, Galaxy S4, Note 3 and other phones of your choice and still be able to save money to go and have a few lunches with your friends.


I had a choice and I believe I did the right thing by not waiting. If I had waited, I would have had to wait even longer for the price to have lowered because I don’t see the sense in buying a Rs. 100,000 phone. I bought a HTC One and still had enough money to buy the 5th generation iPod Touch and believe it or not, the total price still didn’t come to Rs. 100,000. By doing so, I have the best of both worlds as I am using an Android phone which I can customize the way I want to and I also have an iOS device which will soon get iOS 7.


Would you not prefer getting 2 devices at the price of 1 and be able to experience both operating systems? At the end of the day, the choice is yours. If you have your heart set on buying the new iPhone(s), then go for it but keep in mind the opportunity cost.


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