Monday 16 September 2013

Mobile Snatching: Some Basic Precautions

On the eve of my son’s third birthday last year, I was robbed of my beloved Galaxy Nexus on gunpoint. Thankfully, I am blessed to have passed through this harrowing experience only once, but I understand that everybody, especially in Karachi, is at risk. Since then, I have been taking some basic precautions and I am confident that these will help anyone escape this risk of mobile snatching to a large degree.

1) Avoid public exposure
This seems to be a no brainer, but at the same time, we all are guilty of compulsively reaching for our mobiles in public, while walking or driving, every time it beeps (or even when it doesn’t). So my first tip would be: avoid taking out your cellphone in public, especially while on the road. Believe me, most snatchers will only approach you if they spy an expensive cell. I personally keep my cell in my door pockets and never take it out while driving. Those with motorcycles can similarly keep their cells in their bags or carriages. That important call can wait, you can always return it if you have your cell!

2) Keep a spare
This is the most popular tip given to everyone. However, experience teaches me that some basic conditions have to be met in order for it to work:
1) The spare cell cannot be a Nokia 1100. It has to be something with a touchscreen, and it has to be WORKING. Believe me, you don’t want to invite the wrath of the snatcher
2) Keep the spare cell in your pocket, not on your dashboard or someplace obvious. If you keep it too openly, the snatcher will know that this is not your primary mobile
3) It has to appear respectable. Something obviously cheap won’t do.

3) Don’t make yourself an easy victim
Don’t get any ideas. It is USELESS to try to resist a mobile snatching. What I mean is that you should take these easy precautions that will prevent you from becoming an easy target of snatching
1) Travel on main, busy roads as much as possible
2) Avoid riding or walking into deserted streets at night, especially at the time of power outage
3) NEVER, EVER, EVER sit in your car while waiting for someone. This is how I got robbed. Always park your car, and get the hell out. Believe me, a standing person is not that easy to mug. If you cannot find a parking space, at least get out and stand beside your car. The best strategy is to park your car, and find a covered space with other people (such as a shop) as soon as possible.
4) Use those ATMs which have a guard
5) Don’t count on guards. They will never, ever intervene if you are being robbed.
6) It is better to leave your cellphone in the car, safely hidden, than carry it if you plan to take a long walk in a busy area such as Saddar or Tariq Road. Doesn’t make sense? Ask yourself: what are the chances of your car being broken into or being stolen, versus someone holding you up at gunpoint and taking your mobile and wallet?  It’s all relative. We are talking about creating deterrents, rather than absolute assurances.
7) Put your credit and debit cards, NICs, and license in a separate wallet that is somewhere hidden in your car. You don’t need these things all the time, and they are more important than even your cell.
3) Always keep a backup
Always back up all your apps and addresses, and keep the backup file on your PC or laptop at home. Do it every week

4) Don’t carry something  you can’t afford to buy again
I know attractive cellphones come onto the market every week. Just visithttp://homeshopping.pk/categories/Mobile-Phones-Price-Pakistan/ if you don’t believe me. It might be tempting to splurge an entire bonus on an iPhone 5, Galaxy S4 or HTC One. However, first ask yourself: can you replace it easily? If it gets snatched, can you buy a new one easily? As a thumb rule, it should cost not more than 30% of your monthly salary.
You don’t absolutely need a flagship. Midrange and last year’s sets like Sony Xperia SP, LG Nexus 4, Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini, and HTC One X are perfect for 99% of your needs, and they won’t make a big dent in your income. Think about it.

5) Recite some prayers, and don’t worry yourself to death
Personally, I recite Ayatul Kursi three times everytime I start my car. I have found it to be a great source of fortitude, peace and solace. This kept me peaceful and calm even after the snatching I mentioned above.
So, whether you are a Muslim or of any other faith, recite some prayers to God to keep you safe. Believe me, it works.

mobile snatching
5) LAST, BUT NOT THE LEAST: Don’t resist
These days one gets to hear ugly stories about how people were injured or even killed during snatching. Most of such murders happen because people try to resist. PLEASE DON’T. Nothing you have is more precious than your life and that of your loved ones. So just hand over your cell, wallet or anything else that is demanded. Things can be replaced but not a life.


  1. Thanks for sharing all those precautions that can protect you from mobile snatching. Though, mobile prices in Pakistan are not expensive at all but its better to protect your mobile.
